Food and Safety Service Plan

To consider the Food and Safety Service Plan

Report to Panel

Joanne McClay / Ben Stockley

Health and Leisure Centres and Dibden Golf Course

To receive an annual report providing an update on the contracts for the Health and Leisure centres and Dibden Golf Course        

Report to Panel

Pawel Duchnowski

Delivery of the Greener Housing Strategy

To receive an annual update on the delivery of the Greener Housing Strategy

Report to Panel

Sophie Tuffin

Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2024-2028

To consider the proposed draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy for public consultation

Report to Panel

Chris Pike / Kirsty Farmer

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

To consider the proposed draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy for public consultation

Report to Panel

Chris Pope

Housing Strategy / HRA Property development and acquisition update

To receive an update on the progress of the Housing Strategy and HRA property development and acquisition

Update to Panel

Tim Davis

Homelessness Update

To receive an update on homelessness





Update to Panel

Chris Pope

22 JANUARY 2025

Housing Revenue Account Budget and the Housing Public Sector Capital Expenditure Programme for 2025/26

To consider the HRA budget and the housing public sector capital expenditure programme for 2025/26

Report to Panel

Richard Knott / Kevin Green

Community Grants 2025/26

To consider the recommendations for Community Grant allocation for 2025/26 from the Task and Finish Group

Report to Panel

Ryan Stevens/ Jamie Burton

19 MARCH 2025

Penman House – Energy Performance Monitoring Update

To receive an update providing details of the energy performance monitoring in relation Penman House in Totton.

Report to Panel

Sophie Tuffin

Health and Wellbeing Action Plan

To receive an annual update

Report to Panel

Joanne McClay / Jamie Burton

Housing Maintenance Compliance Update

To receive an update on the progress made against the Council’s compliance policies

Report to Panel

Ritchie Thomson

Housing Strategy/ HRA Property development and acquisition update

To receive an update on the progress of the Housing Strategy and HRA property development and acquisition

Update to Panel

Tim Davis

Homelessness Update

To receive an update on homelessness

Update to Panel

Chris Pope








There will be a report to the Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel on 21 November 2024 to consider the Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report and half yearly update, which will include complaints to the Housing Ombudsman.  Members of the Panel are welcome to attend and participate.